Researching ingredients is the very soul of Halaal Certification. If, in any given organisation, this specific department is solid, that organisation will become the criterion of reliability. However, if this department is deficient, the organisation may very well prove to be a liability and source of harm for itself, its clients as well as the consumers in general.
It was our great fortune to have had the opportunity of studying the concept and process of Halaal Certification from an organisation that not only had a strong research department (for researching the origins and constituents of ingredients) as well as an invaluable data base, but it has also been serving this sector for the last 21 years. The vast experience of this organisation has been of great assistance to us every step of the way and, through the grace and mercy of Allah d, we have been saved from making major errors.
In the last ten years, however, the various challenges in the field of Halaal and Haraam as we have witnessed in Pakistan, has perturbed us immensely. Some of the important issues which we have had to address during this period are as follows:
- We found a flavourant which contains the powder of either dead, or at least doubtful chicken
- We found Tartaric Acid which was derived from wine/alcoholic beverages
- We found ingredients containing Tallow[1]
- We found brushes made with pig hair which were being used in the production area
- We found ingredients produced in a plant that also produces ingredients made from pork
- We found the use of a red colourant which is derived from an insect
- We had to reject a number of cases because of the use of animal rennet
- We found the use of impure (najis) eggs in certain products
In short, we realised that this aspect of Islam has not received the attention and is not treated with the sensitivity it deserves, as a result of which, the above-mentioned incidences occurred and the industry unwittingly utilised these ingredients. Even worse than that, some Halaal Certification Bodies permitted the use of these ingredients without doing an in-depth analysis thereof, to such an extent that meat was imported from China and the importing company even obtained a fatwa that this meat is Halaal!
One of the main reasons for all these discrepancies is the absence of specialised and specific training regarding raw materials and ingredients. Furthermore, we have neither seen any guidelines nor any standard in this regard either.
Hence, in order to encourage one and all to give this invaluable branch of Deen the importance which it rightfully deserves, the responsibility of drawing up a comprehensive treatise regarding the topic was placed on the shoulders of Mufti Muhammad Ahsan Zafar Saheb. Maa shaa Allah, Mufti Saheb has prepared the treatise before you as a means of guidance and assistance for the Halaal Certification Bodies and all the companies preparing products within the Halaal market and industry.
May Allah make this effort a means of benefit for this country, its people and for mankind at large – Aameen!
Mufti Yusuf ‘Abdur-Razzaaq Khan
CEO: SANHA Pakistan
Friday, 20 Ramadhaan 1438 AH
16 June 2017
Halaal Evaluation Of Ingredients
English Version
Halaal Evaluation of Ingredients
Urdu Version