Lays Potato Snacks Products Manufactured in Pakistan are 100% Halal.
Alhamdulillah, SANHA Pakistan conducted wonderful Halaal Awareness session, at Muhammad Ali Jinnah University, Karachi. The event was organized by Department of social Science, Muhammad Ali Jinnah University on 27th April 2018. Presenters: Mufti Yousuf A.R. Khan CEO, SANHA Pakistan: Topic: Need for Halal certification in Pakistan Mufti Syed Arif Ali Shah SANHA Pakistan Shariah expert. Topic: Importance of Halaal in Shariah It was discussed and agreed upon to focus on emerging Halaal industry and capacity building & Training of Academia in the light of Sharia and Pakistan Halal standards.
Pakistan Halaal Assembly 2018 Government College University Faisalabad 21/22 March, 2018 Praise to have successfully ended. Experts from Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Kuwait, Malaysia, Thailand, Bosnia, Gambia, China and from many other countries attended the program. Various experts from Pakistan with background from government, private sector, university VC’s, food scientists and standard specialist attended the program. Among other experts, Ulemas and Muftis were also invited to share their knowledge related to various Islamic issues… Mufti Yousuf Abdul Razaq – SANHA Halaal Associates Pakistan presented the presentation on “Shariah Principle for Halaal Standardization” and Mufti Syed Arif Ali Shah presented a presentation on “Shariah Standards for Animals Feed.” Recognizing the efforts of Halaal in Pakistan, guests from Kuwait were convinced that Pakistan is doing tremendous research for Halaal and they see Pakistan playing a key role in this world of Halaal. At the end of the program SANHA Pakistan presented […]
Alhamdulillah, two SANHA Pakistan representatives presented Papers at 6th Global Forum on Islamic Finance. Ahsan Zafar SANHA Pakistan director: Topic: Critical ingredients in halal food Mr. Muhammad Saleem SANHA Pakistan technical expert, X DG PCSIR Lahore: Topic: Scientific aspects of Halaal certification The event was organized by COMSATS University on 13th-14th March 2018, at Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore, Pakistan
Alhamdulillah! SANHA Pakistan successfully hosted a 2-day seminar on 2nd & 3rd May 2017 at Jamiatul Uloom al-Islamia, Banuri Town. 568 Shariah scholars (Ulama) attended the program. The following topics were covered : ¤ Need for Halaal Certification In Pakistan ¤ The Shariah Status of Gelatine ¤ Critical ingredients in food ¤ Halaal Infrastructure at national and international level ¤ An overview of Pakistan Halaal Standard PS:3733-2016 ¤ The Shariah Status of Halaal certification ¤ How SANHA conducts Halaal certification
Alhamdulillah!! SANHA Pakistan Halaal Accreditation Certificate awarding ceremony at PNAC Office , Ministry of Science and Technology, Islamabad
SANHA PAKISTAN organized one day Halaal Awareness Workshop on HALAAL Food Safety Management Systems at *Lotte Kolson* (Pvt.) Limited, Karachi. Mufti Yousuf Abdul Razzaq addressed the workshop on the topic ‘Halaal & Haraam considering Quran and Sunnah. He also enlightened the participants about ‘Critical Ingredients in Food’. An informative lecture on Pakistan Halaal Standard PS:3733-2016 was also delivered by Mufti Arif Ali Shah.
21 Feb, 2017 – SANHA representatives delivered lectures on Halaal Food at the Shari’ah Course for Judges organized by Shari’ah Academy, International Islamic University, Islamabad. CEO SANHA, Mufti Yousuf Abdul Razzaq lectured on ‘Halaal Infrastructure at national and international level’ and presented an Overview Of Pillars of Halaal quality infrastructure in Pakistan, Standards, certification and accreditation in Pakistan. Mufti Ahsan Zafar gave a presentation on ‘Critical Ingredients in Food & Medicine’.
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SANHA Pakistan has successfully conducted a two-day training program hosted by the Jamiatul Uloom al Islämiyyah for some 570 graduating Ulama on the need for Halaal certification and intricacies of the Halaal industry. The training course covered the following 8 subjects: 1. Need for Halaal Certification In Pakistan 2. The Shariah Status of Galantine (research Study) 3. Critical ingredients in food 4. An overview of Pakistan Halaal Standard PS:3733-2013 5. An overview of Pakistan Halaal Standard for HCB PS:4992-2010 6. Roles and Responsibilities of Halaal Auditor 7. The Shariah Status of Halaal certification 8. How SANHA Performs Halaal certification The main objective of the program was to create awareness among the graduating Ulama and Muftis so that they may be able to adequately address the needs and challenges in the field. There was an overwhelmingly positive response from the participants who were awarded certificates on completion of the program. Alhamdulillah!